Created in 1992, Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund is designed to provide investors with exposure to the entire U.S. equity market, including small-, mid-, and large-cap growth and value stocks. The fund 's key attributes are its low costs, broad diversification, and the potential for tax efficiency..There are indexes that track large-cap companies, small-cap companies, the entire stock market and so on. One of the most common indexes is the Standard Poor 's 500, known as the S P 500, which represents a broad cross section of 500 large American companies..
An index fund also index tracker is a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund ETF with specific Additional index funds within these geographic markets may include indexes of companies that inclu .What 's a money-market fund? Is there a single no-brainer What an index fund does is simple: It invests in the entire index. For example, an S P 500 index fund buys all the stocks in the S P 500 index. And that 's it. Just about every major .Index funds have other draws. Most important, they 're cheap. Vanguard Total Stock Market Index VTSMX , the largest index mutual fund, charges just 0.17 per . For investors wanting broad diversification, Vanguard 's Total Stock Market Index fund seems a reasonable way to do it..
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