Stock Market History

Stock Market History Timeline Chart

Stock Market History Timeline Chart

Interactive chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average stock market index for the last 100 years. Historical data is inflation-adjusted using the headline CPI and each data point represents the month-end closing value. The current month is updated on an hourly basis with today 's latest value..Some examples are exchange-traded funds ETFs , stock index and stock options, equity swaps, single-stock futures, and stock index futures. These last two may be traded on futures exchanges which are distinct from stock exchangestheir history traces back to commodity futures exchanges , or traded over-the-counter..A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt - learn more..In this article we will look at the evolution of stock exchanges, from the To skip the history lesson and jump straight into current events, check .

A stock market, equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks also called shares ; these may include .Interactive chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average stock market index for the last 100 years. Historical data is inflation-adjusted using the headline CPI and . To skip the history lesson and jump straight into current events, check out NYSE And Nasdaq and The Global Electronic Stock Market. .. In the stock market, you can invest in popular growth stocks or unloved value stocks. You can invest in big companies large-cap or small .